Monday, 6 April 2009

What to do if your iPhone gets wet

Whether the culprit is a sink, toilet or rainstorm, getting your iPhone soaked in water or any other liquid is bad news. If the unthinkable happens, and you don’t have insurance, your best bet is to make sure the iPhone is off, swap it down with a dry cloth, then do one of the following immediately:

Put your iPhone in a tub or bag of uncooked rice and let it sit for several hours (up to 2 days).
Place your iPhone in a plastic bag with a few silica packets.
Put your iPhone in a hearing aid dryer for several hours.
The point with all of these methods is to draw all moisture out of the phone as quickly as possible. Just air-drying the unit is an option, but won’t act as quickly as the aforementioned methods.

If none of these tactics prove effective, and your iPhone loses significant or all functionality, an Apple FAQ states that if you own an iPhone and it requires service for any reason other than the battery (which costs $86 total to replace), Apple will repair your iPhone for the service fee listed below, plus $6.95 for shipping and handling:

4GB: $199
8GB: $249
Presumably this includes liquid damage, though Apple states “Service may not be available if your iPhone has been damaged due to accident or abuse.”

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