Thursday, 9 April 2009

Tonsillitis and Homeopathic Treatment

The tonsils are lymph nodes in the back of the mouth and top of the throat. They normally help to filter out bacteria and other microorganisms to prevent infection in the body. They may become so overwhelmed by bacterial or viral infection that they swell and become inflamed, causing tonsillitis. The infection may also be present in the throat and surrounding areas, causing pharyngitis.

Tonsillitis is extremely common, particularly in children.

Causes of Tonsillitis

In modern terms, tonsillitis is caused by microorganisms, but this statement is often denied by some group of people like homeopaths, immunologists, etc., who argue that it is mainly due to weak defence system.[citation needed] Because tonsillitis is often found in people with low defence activity.[citation needed] However, the following are the usual causative organisms.

* Streptococcus (commonly referred to as "strep") bacteria (the most common cause of tonsillitis)
* Adenoviruses
* Influenza virus
* Epstein-Barr virus
* Parainfluenza viruses
* Enteroviruses
* Herpes simplex virus

Symptoms of Tonsillitis

The set of symptoms of tonsillitis vary from individual to individual. However, following symptoms are commonly seen in tonsillitis patients.

* Sore throat more than 48 hours
* Swollen and red tonsils
* Yellow, gray or white coated tonsils
* Difficulty swallowing
* Blisters in the throat
* Ear pain
* Ulceration in the throat
* Fever and chills
* Headache
* Tender jaw and throat
* Loss or change of voice
* Loss of appetite
* Malaise
* Nausea
* Vomiting
* Abdominal pain

Homeopathic Medicine & Treatment for Tonsillitis

Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc.

Following homeopathic remedies have been found effective in many cases of Tonsillitis:

Here you go for more...

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